8/10/2009 @ 10:08 PM
* A typical of MINE...
It just another day of Minewith bit of fun and bit of work.
That how my life pass as my life shorten...
i Should SERIOUSLY start to waste my life apropriately...
Early in the morning,
i open and eyes and stare at the clock...
"AH!" i scream in my mind...
i was late 4 schoool
it was a holidays yet i didnot realise till i saw my brother playing maplesea with the new DEMI hacks/editions which i found WWW.GAMERZNEEDS.COM
OKOK whatesover with the maple nor the morning.
the only thing i noe that my bro is going out(date as he claim to be)
who cares...
got the computer to myself.
Pokerstar lvl 35! Aquila!
from 28 to 35 in 2hr!
then my cousin/newphews in fact but one is older then me...
so they called me uncle thought they are older.
how young i am...
then maple maple & more maple...
they tried the DEMI.
From 1 to 20 in hr...
Lan next at HGG.
Saw jie ming with his ex mate(Shawn who broke my disc, trevis)
play for 2 hr L4D.
i the winner after so much EXP gian in LAN.
then home they go.
ironing of uniforms(NPCC,SCHOOL)
then here i am.
too long.
cuting down.
...million more...
waiting to be recongise...
oh ya,
i got another problem. can anyone help me with blogger?
i don get to see the format posting option( fonts,colour of text, underline...etc)