10/16/2009 @ 10:17 PM
Whoo...Only a month off psp, tons of game pops out:}
So gona play the hell out of the PSP.
For example. Naruto Shippenden, Rising of the akasuki.
Erm... alot more..
And oh i back to private server...
and DOTA.
Had a game with Eurywn today...
EarthShaker & OmniKnight.
Early Game ownage...
Due to greediness, we neglected BTM and TOP lane...
end up losing...
then, chiong for NPCC...
Ate KFC:}
Taste good...
Then realise Jin Quan Face Shape is a Rectangle...
Funny face...XD
Today NPCC slack...
Games the way...
Captain... true or dare...
Benjamin high level Vitagen XD...
got bored and tired...
Decided to slacked and do nothing...
then dismissed...
Turn Check Bang Check Up Check Bang!!!
...now blogging...
WWW on Tuesday.
Monday Badminton.
Saturday LAN...
And or...
The hairy mob in my class leaving...
Let wish him Bon Voyage...
I know a certain someone will missed him...
Left with 2 weeks...
So long sucker...