MYE SUCk... english 29/50 Biology 70/100 Physic 76/100 Geo 36.5:{ emath 93.1/100:D a math 86/100 :D some drop, some up... arhhh...
Canot go indonesia.... really want to go...ToT... gahhhhhhh
Im an NOT black
Helloo, my name is ChiaWee and I'm currently still young.NanChiauHighSchool. You can find out about my life here.
I am recieving my education at Nan Chiau High School!In 3Boomxz!And yes, i in Trple Science!. .I spend my Friday in NPCC:) One more thing, i hated ppl who keep changing URL, making me relink and relink again...
I happen to have a sweet tooth.XD